Tuesday 26 February 2013

Finished 2nd draft

This is very close to the final product but there are a few small changes I still want to make, I am also going to get some audience feedback to see if I can improve my video anymore.This video is available to play in Hd.

Friday 8 February 2013

First Draft of music video (Unfinished)

This is my first draft of my video, I encountered some problems when filming the lip syncing to the chorus as the person I had chosen to "sing" didn't know the words well enough to make it look convincing on screen so as a stop gap until I film him again after half term I got him to film myself as I know the words just to give a basic outline of how I want it to look. That is why after the second verse I have left it blank as it is pointless me editing the footage when it will be replaced shortly anyway.

I am disappointed at the quality my video plays back when put on full screen on Youtube as it looks a lot better on the editing suite.

Before playing please change youtube to the maximum quality

I imported the video into windows movie maker and have been able to export it as a Hd video for Youtube which gives a slightly better picture when placed on the higher settings. I have embedded it below.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Features of my video

For the two verse sections in my song I have created a typewriter effect writing the lyrics using Screedbot (http://wigflip.com/screedbot/); an animated scrolling typewriter text generator, I then saved this as a .gif (Shown below) and filmed it playing with a video camera on my laptop,I then put this footage on the editing suite and cut it into several parts and adjusted the speed of each so as the lyrics are typed it is in time with the song.

Another effect I spent a lot of time perfecting was the use of scenes from the film submarine, I felt use of this inspirational media text would help bring across the narrative of my video, even to people who haven't seen the film, to do this I set up a camera filming my laptop as I played certain scenes from the film and then heavily edited them on the editing suite, the use of these scenes is a example of inter textual referencing something I have really thought about as all modern pieces of media whether it be a TV drama or a music video use inter textual referencing to reinforce their points and add depth, so the use of the submarine clips and the fact I had my female model wear a bright red hat also adds links to texts such as Little red riding hood, Schindlers List, Snow white among many others for varying reasons including connotations of temptation,love/lust,danger, I think the use of these really adds credibility and authenticity to my video as referencing to other texts is a technique used by professional videos and also shows I haven't just gone out with a camera and filmed some people who have just turned up with no real meaning.